The Story Behind the 'Verve' in Verve Wine

Verve Magazine, Henri Matisse Cover - The Meaning Behind the Verve Wine Name

Paris in the late 1930s, as in many eras throughout history, was a city with a strong influence on culture. It was here that many looked for inspiration on what to read, where to visit, what art to admire, and what food to eat. In 1937, a publisher realized the value of sharing some of the finest works in art and literature with enthusiastic and curious subscribers and Verve magazine was born.

The first issue featured cover art by Henri Matisse. Subsequent volumes includes works by the likes of Chagall, Picasso, Braque, Leger, Bonnard, and Ronault, Joyce, Hemingway, and Camus. Thanks to skillful curation by Verve editors, this roll call of artistic and written depth was now consumed by people in their homes.

The Story Behind the Verve Wine Name, Inspired by Verve Magazine

While the masterpieces from these writers and artists is now considered canon, at the time the mix of emerging and famous creators was not yet destined to become what we understand it to be today. Verve, in its way, participated in the zeitgeist by identifying quality and inspiration, and then crafting it into a vessel that more people could analyze, enjoy, or even criticize if they chose. 38 issues in ten volumes were produced before the publication closed its doors in 1960 and fans can still be found around the world, with original copies considered immense collector’s items.

Verve Magazine threw the spotlight on artists who were doing the coolest things out there. This blend of tastemaking, identification with quality, and open mindedness inspired Dustin Wilson MS and Derrick Mize to start Verve Wine in 2016. The company was founded for enthusiastic drinkers who love to share in the discovery of great wine.

The Story of how Verve Wine Got its Name

“We wanted Verve Wine to not simply be a place to buy wine but also a source of inspiration to a community of fun, curious drinkers just like us,” write Dustin and Derrick. “More than five years in and we’re still curious and still having a ton of fun.”