Our Wine Resolutions for 2020

new years

With 2019 officially on its way out, we’re looking ahead and setting some new wine-related goals for ourselves in the New Year. Although 2019 brought us tons of new bottles (and memories along the way), we’re planning for 2020 to be our most wine-soaked year yet. From drinking more Gamay to simply remembering that wine is supposed to be fun, here are our top five wine resolutions for the New Year.

Resolution: Travel. Eat. Drink. Repeat.

There’s no better way to expand your wine knowledge than by hitting a vineyard and sipping straight from the source. Some of our top memories last year occurred while visiting winemakers and seeing where the magic happens with our own eyes. Traveling to vineyards/wineries not only allows you to interact with the people behind the bottles, but it also aids in deepening your already acquired knowledge. For example, you know how fermentation works, but have you actually seen a wine bubbling through the process? It’s these types of experiences that really make the mystery of wine come to life.

Another great perk of traveling to wine regions is getting to experience the local culture in nearby cities and surrounding areas. Be sure to immerse yourself in all that a given region has to offer outside of wine, including scenery, well-known attractions, and best of all, the gastronomy!

Resolution: Drink More (Not Less) Beaujolais

Now this a resolution we’ll have no problem keeping. In 2019, we preached the gospel of Beaujolais, yet still feel that we’ve only scratched the surface. Beaujolais will most likely always be one of our top go-to areas for delicious and easy-drinking wines, as the region is home to some of our favorite producers and is also considered the modern-day birthplace for ‘good wine.’ Not sure what we mean by ‘good wine’? Read our explainer, here.


Resolution: Discover More Producers Making Good Wine from Classic Grapes in Not-So-Classic Regions

We’ll never say no to Chardonnay from Burgundy or Trousseau from the Jura. However, we’re vowing to make 2020 the year that we explore these beloved varieties beyond their classic homes. Chardonnay from Friuli and Trousseau from California’s North Coast made from top-notch producers? Count us in.

Resolution: Read All the Things

Here at Verve Wine, we love geeking out on wine just as much as you do-- and contrary to popular belief, learning about the stuff doesn’t require memorizing boring textbooks. This year, we’re looking forward to reading a handful of thought-provoking books written by some of our closest industry friends, as well as keep up on what’s going on in the wine world from some of our favorite journalists. Stay tuned for a list of our top go-to wine reads for 2020!

Resolution: Take Wine Seriously, But Not Too Seriously

In other words… have fun! This might just be the most important resolution of them all. We can’t get enough of all that the wine world has to offer. However, it’s easy to get caught up in all of the minutiae that takes the fun out of it all-- and at the end of the day, drinking wine should be one of the most fun, accessible, and joy-sparking experiences on the planet. This year, we vow to constantly remind ourselves that wine, while it should be taken seriously and respected, is ultimately about friends, family, and the delight of being together.


From our Verve Wine family to yours, we wish you a happy, healthy, and wine-soaked New Year!